All deposits to a Macquarie Term Deposit account are made via direct debit from a nominated bank account. The direct debit and nominated bank account are established during the account opening process. Additional deposits can be made on the maturity date.


When your term deposit matures, roll over your full deposit amount (or more) for another term and receive a Loyalty Bonus of 0.10% p.a. On top of the current standard interest rate. Security All deposits. Our Term Deposits feature a range of options for interest pay out, guaranteed returns, low maintenance and protection from market changes. Standard Term Deposits Term deposits are a great way to help build your savings for the future. Bcu offers competitive returns on investments from 1 month to 3 years on deposits.

Macquarie Bank Term Deposit Rates Usa

  • Savings
    • Online Accounts
    • Business Saving Accounts
  • Term Deposits
  • Money Help

The Macquarie bank is part of the Macquarie group which offers a diverse range of financial services including banking, advisory, investment and much more. Macquarie is the biggest investment bank in Australia and offers services to corporate, retail and public clients.

The information supplied below is up dated manually so can sometimes be inaccurate, always check with bank for most up to date rates.

Macquarie Bank Term Deposit Rates

Featured interest rates

(Interest at maturity)
3 months0.40% p.a.
6 months0.45% p.a.
9 months0.50% p.a.
1 year0.50% p.a.

^For deposits over $1 million, or where interest payments are more frequent, rates may differ, Call 13 62 00 to find out more.

These rates apply to Macquarie Personal Banking clients only. If you are a Macquarie Business Banking client please contact your relationship manager for applicable term deposit rates.

All interest rates

TermInterest paid at maturityInterest paid monthlyInterest paid quarterlyInterest paid annually
1 month0.05% p.a.0.05% p.a.
2 months0.05% p.a.0.05% p.a.
3 months0.40% p.a.0.40% p.a.0.40% p.a.
4 months0.40% p.a.0.40% p.a.
6 months0.45% p.a.0.45% p.a.0.45% p.a.
9 months0.50% p.a.0.50% p.a.0.50% p.a.
1 year0.50% p.a.0.50% p.a.0.50% p.a.
2 years0.50% p.a.0.50% p.a.0.50% p.a.
3 years0.45% p.a.0.45% p.a.0.45% p.a.
4 years0.45% p.a.0.45% p.a.0.45% p.a.
5 years0.45% p.a.0.45% p.a.0.45% p.a.
Macquarie bank term deposit rates singapore

^For deposits over $1 million, or where interest payments are more frequent, rates may differ, Call 13 62 00 to find out more.

These rates apply to Macquarie Personal Banking clients only. If you are a Macquarie Business Banking client please contact your relationship manager for applicable term deposit rates.

Macquarie Bank Term Deposit Interest

Offer documents

Term deposit product information statementDownload PDF
Term deposit further information bookletDownload PDF
Term deposit application guideDownload PDF